"How to" Workshops

BEYOND BATHROBES: THEATER AND STORYTELLING FOR THE CHURCH--This is a workshop for worship leaders, Christian educators, youth workers, actors, directors, and anyone else who likes to express their faith creatively.  Participants are invited to engage in a variety of theater and storytelling activities, including five ways to perform a story in church and using drama in worship and education. The workshop also includes practical information about where to find resources for Christian theater and storytelling.

ALL GOD'S PEOPLE GOT TALES: STORYTELLING-- This workshop is designed for Christian storytellers, educators, preachers and people who just like to hear a good tale.  Participants will experience a variety of storytelling techniques, including five ways to tell a story in church, storytelling principles and techniques, and where to find stories.

How to launch and maintain a successful church theater group

Are you currently involved in a church theater company? Are you thinking of starting one? This is an in-depth workshop tailored to your needs. The day long workshop can include: Team Building, Finding and Creating Material, Acting Basics and Exercises, Directing Techniques, Working with a Script, Managing Rehearsals, Practical Methods for Staging Scripture, and Performance Demonstrations.

Stewardship Workshops

THE WORLD'S OLDEST FINANCIAL PLANNER WORKSHOP--This interactive seminar can be planned for 1 to 5 hours, and addresses three questions: 1) What does the Bible say about money? 2) What is proportionate giving and how does it work? 3) How does stewardship express my relationship with God? The workshop includes performances of the scenes described above as well as other short scenes, demonstrations, inspirational talks, and small group study and discussion.

STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY--One of our stewardship scenes performed in worship services combined with a short workshop in the education hour or after services can make a great Sunday morning with a theme of giving. 



ENACTED WORD: USING THEATER TO PRESENT SCRIPTURE--This is a workshop for those who are interested in bringing scripture alive in worship.  Participants will experience a variety of techniques from theater and oral interpretation that can be used to stage Biblical texts

CREATIVE DRAMATICS IN THE CHURCH--This is a workshop for Church school teachers, actors, youth group leaders, and anyone interested in using drama with young people in the Church. Participants will experience theatre games and exercises that can be easily used in classrooms, Bible study, worship services, and group meetings. Come find out how to make religious stuff exciting without using pizza!

HOW TO WRITE THE WORST POSSIBLE CHRISTIAN SCRIPT--By comparing scripts that work and don’t work, we’ll review common mistakes in religious play writing and demonstrate some fresh ways to stage Christian ideas and stories. Along the way, we’ll discuss the current market for Christian scripts and show how to avoid clichés like the plague.

ONE FOR THE MUSIC, TWO FOR THE SHOW: STAGING CHILDREN'S MUSICALS--The nuts and bolts of staging a church choir musical—learned through 25 years of joyful and painful experience. Includes presentation and Q. and A.


Renewal Workshops

A DAY WITH FRIENDS--Are you interested in moving forward in your faith? Do you want to get to know others in the congregation better? Do you want to learn ways of sharing your faith creatively? Don't miss this exciting day for all ages with a theater company that specializes in making the Christian message challenging and fun at the same time. There's something for everyone: The performances, talks, and small group activities are designed to help each person grow in Christ and to build a sense of community. Along the way, the group will use theater and storytelling to bring scripture and worship alive. So if you're a teacher, preacher, or performer looking for creative ways to communicate the gospel; or if you're just someone who likes to watch, laugh, and think—come and enjoy this delightful time with friends old and new.